Title: The Question of Nobuta; Week 4: Nobuko
Length: 5862/25530 words (4/5)
Rating: PG-13 / R
Genre: AU, Dystopia, sci-fi.
Pairing: implied Pikame, Implied Shuji/Akira
Summary: Story Summary: NOBUTA; the program's name is NOBUTA. In a world where people spend the majority of their time online playing roles, a rogue program named
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Comments 6
I hope by final chapter I understand what is going on because I am a bit confused how is this Nobuta program and Jin's wanting to leave are linked.
Hopefully you will understand by next week. The story is intended to be more cerebral and leave you with questions until the very end, where the plot gets tied together.
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This fic puts my brain to work as I try to tie up the loose ends on my own and probably failing badly. ^_^; Hopefully next week I'll understand what NOBUTA is really about and everything else.
See you next friday. ^_^
I'm glad that you're thinking about the story! When I first started to write it, I was worried that people would gloss over it because it's a lot more dense than most stories, so knowing that you're thinking about what the story makes me quite pleased. :)
And yes, details about NOBUTA are revealed in Week 5. :)
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