Book fanfiction is located here.
Note: Some fics may be friend-locked. If they are, and you want to read them, please just comment
at the masterpost here and I will friend you so you can read them. While friending me first is appreciated, it is not necessary. I will not friend you back without a comment due to the fact that I do post original fic and works of progress under a friends lock. If you are only interested in my fanfiction and completed work, then you do not need me to friend you back. Works in progress are usually friends-locked because I will continuously edit the work. Anything under a friends-lock will not be cross-posted outside of this journal, so you will never be linked to a friends-locked post.
Fic List: (Updated: April 16, 2010)
Harry Potter Drabbles / Super-Shorts:
Expectations // AU (Severitus) // G // On familial Expectations