Original stories listed here.
Note: Some fics may be friend-locked. If they are, and you want to read them, please just comment
at the masterpost here and I will friend you so you can read them. While friending me first is appreciated, it is not necessary. I will not friend you back without a comment due to the fact that I do post original fic and works of progress under a friends lock. If you are only interested in my fanfiction and completed work, then you do not need me to friend you back. Works in progress are usually friends-locked because I will continuously edit the work. Anything under a friends-lock will not be cross-posted outside of this journal, so you will never be linked to a friends-locked post.
Fic List: (Updated: April 16, 2010)
The Valley // General / angst // PG / PG-13 // Exit out the back door and take four steps and look down.
The Future in the Palm of Your Hand // Fantasy // PG-13 // Aika runs her first calculation when she’s six, during the first winter storm of the year. She isn’t entirely certain what a calculation is yet, and she certainly doesn’t know the name for it, but she knows it can be done, so she does it.
Untitled // gen-fic / romance (Up for interpretation) // G // long rambly stream-of-conciousness on love
[Friend-locked]Series: The War of the Boybands (as waged by their fans)
The Epik "My Boyband is Totally Better than Yours" Battle // gen-fic / humor / crack (?) // G // One van. Nine girls. Fans (of various boybands). This is the result.
The Quest to Convert Chiharu // gen-fic / humor / crack (?) // G // The fight for Chiharu has begun //
How it all Began //
Part 1: Jessica vs. Sakura //
Interlude: An Honest Discussion //
[Friend-locked]Series: Sonata-verse; no Series Title (Friend-locked): 'Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all. -Lord Tennyson Alfred
To Have and Lose // gen-fic / angst // G // They meet after he loses his voice
How Have You Been? // gen-fic / angst (male x female [unnamed]) // G // “Let’s get ice-cream,” he says, because he thinks that she could use ice to sooth the hurt on the inside.
Recapitulation (working title) // gen-fic / angst (male x female [unnamed]) // G // He has achieved his dream. He is singing, he is living, and he wonders why he’s standing outside the clinic, hand on his throat as if he can’t form the sounds that he’s making right now.
Series: Tsuou-verse; The Way Things Are (Friend-locked): Tasui searches for an answer
Fic Excerpt, Part 1: Aika Many original stories can be found at
starriheavens under the
brigit's flame tag.