[OOC] A huge, major apology >< I should have done this sooner.

Oct 15, 2009 01:31

Hey all.

You may have noticed I haven't exactly been active, and I'm really, honestly sorry about that. A ton of crap has just been dumped on me in RL-land and it's left me with barely enough time to sleep and/or eat, let alone RP.

I'm going to have to pull out, as I can't promise I won't drop threads/be in permenant slowtime, which isn't fair on anyone. It's a pain and I really don't want to but I haven't got much choice.

I'm in the middle of negotiating the loans for a business purchase for a clothes shop, and I have a very limited time in which to do it - I'm hoping that in December I will actually get a chance to breathe again.

'Hoping' being the operative word here.

Really wish I didn't have to do this, and again, so so sorry about not doing this before - like I said, this has all happened ridiculously fast.

Thank you all and hoping you guys have an awesome time of it! :)


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