[Character Name] Viral
[Canon] Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
[Point Taken from Canon] after the events of episode 15
[Age] unknown. He looks to be in his late 20's or thereabouts.
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Not particularly interested :| But heterosexual
[Eye Color] Gold cat-eye
[Hair Color] Blond
[Height] ...TALL. Probably over 6' fffff I don't know.
[Other] Any idiot can see this guy's not human just by lookin' at him, seriously. I...guess I could point out here that his forearms are abnormally large, as are his hands, which actually look a bit more like paws. THEY HAVE CLAWS AND STUFF.
LOL THIS PICTURE SUCKS but it's the best I can find :\
[Background]As a Commander of the east branch of the Human Eradication Forces, Viral was stopping rebel factions long before Team Gurren and all its hooplah. He and Kamina clashed the first time on a hunting trip (this sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it?), running to his Gunman (Enki) after Yoko interfered. He overcame Simon and Kamina, but left when the sun started to go down as per the typical Beastman tradition. He returned the next day to finish the job, but this time Viral was defeated by the newly formed (through combination) Gurren Lagann. He swore revenge and made a tactical retreat.
Viral later returned after some...interesting...hot spring shenanigans from Team Gurren, this time alongside General Thymilph and the moving fortress/Gunman called Dai-Gunzan, as well as an upgraded Gunman named Enkidu. Though he managed to assist Thymilph in crushing Gurren, he was severely injured in the battle, and Dai-Gunzan was captured and redubbed as Dai-Gurren.
After making his recovery, he attempted to make a case for himself to General Adiane in hopes of getting another chance to fight Kamina, in spite of her treating him like garbage and blaming him for Thymilph’s death. It wasn’t until he saved Adiane from being crushed by Dai-Gurren’s foot (and surviving another thrashing from her) that she actually agreed, however. The two went on to ambush Dai-Gurren under water, an event that ended in epic fail and the death of everyone on board except Viral because he’s a like damn cockroach, no joke. Cursing Gurren Lagann for killing two superiors and robbing him of his honor, he swore revenge. Again.
But revenge had to wait until he could beg Cytomander to bring him along for an aerial attack on Dai-Gurren. Under Cytomander’s command, Viral battled with Gurren Lagann, piloted this time by Simon and Yoko, and effectively destroyed half of the aerial fortress. Here he FINALLY learned of Kamina’s death. Infuriated to learn that he’d been getting beaten by a child for so long, he challenged Simon to a one-on-one duel in their respective Gunmen, but they were interrupted when Cytomander took Yoko hostage and ordered Viral to destroy Gurren Lagann on the spot. However, Viral disobeyed his orders on the grounds of his own personal moral code, and was brought back to Teppelin to be executed for treason. But first, his last request was to learn the true nature of the human race from the Spiral King himself. Lordgenome agreed, taking Viral to a room where he revealed the true nature of Beastmen before making him immortal. Believing this to be the power he needed to defeat Simon, Viral rushed into battle against him when he arrived at Teppelin...and promptly got his ass handed to him, much to his surprise. Lordgenome explained that he’d never be able to defeat humans, and his immortality was given to him only to serve as an eternal witness to tell of the Spiral King’s triumph against Team Dai-Gurren. After Lordgenome’s defeat and the fall of Teppelin, Viral’s whereabouts were unkown, and he was presumed dead. But we all know how that works out.
...And that’s where I’m taking him from fffff oh god how did this get so long.
[Personality] Viral is your typical shounen retard villain on the surface. He’s hot-headed and arrogant, he doesn’t take defeat well (or...at all, really; the guy’s damn persistent when people best him in combat and will track them down until he wins god damn it), loves a good fight, can get pretty boastful, and so on. He operates on his own set of principles, though: he won’t resort to dirty tactics or underhanded fighting to take someone down, even if it leads to insubordination on his part. Basically, he has his own moral code to follow.
Like most Beastmen, Viral is rather inherently racist toward humans. Though from the point I’m taking him, he’s already been told that humans aren’t as inferior as he was lead to believe, he still...doesn’t like them. At all. Unless he finds a reason to remember individual names, he generally refers to them as "naked apes". So while he might just be a naturally angry and grouchy kind of guy, he becomes a lot worse around humans.
Viral takes his position in the Beastmen military hierarchy pretty seriously (beside that whole insubordination thing lol), and will for the most part behave like every good little soldier should. He’s far more level-headed if you take the battlefield element out of the picture, even when he’s getting the crap beaten out of him (Adiane I am looking at you), and is always willing to take full responsibility for his actions, even if that means death.
[Specialties/Abilities] Viral pilots Gunmen and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Okay seriously though. Piloting: he’s good at it. But since Somarium lacks mecha, that won’t matter. As far as actual hand-to-hand combat goes, Viral is really adept at that; he uses what closely resembles a huge butcher knife as a weapon, but he fairs pretty well bare-handed, too. He’s physically very strong and is also very fast, yes.
Most importantly, Viral is completely immortal. Any injury he sustains heals in seconds and he doesn’t age or require rest. This of course serves to make his role as the official Gurren Lagann punching bag about eighteen times easier. :|a
[Affection] HAHA NO. You're welcome to try if you want to for some reason, but he may hurt you.
[Fighting] FFFFFFF YES. Viral heals instantly from any hit he takes; it's like, his JOB to be hilariously abused. BUT he's also very good at fighting and likes fighting, too. You know, just talk to me first and whatnot and you'll be okay.
[Other Facts] OBSESSED WITH BEATING KAMINA AND SIMON? I never know what to put here =/