Jul 18, 2007 16:49
so ive got a terrible cold. mike caught it from chad and jenny, and then gave it to me. so now were all sick. for the past couple of days all mike and i have done is lay around and play video games. which really isnt much different from what we normally do. today i baked a shitload of awesome muffins, and i will bake an awesome checkerboard cake as soon as my mom gets back with eggs. i had a horrible fever yesterday, and it was so bad i couldnt even get off the couch. i was supposed to work tonight, but i called out cause im still feeling pretty lousy. i dont have a high fever like i did yesterday, but im really stuffy and nasty. everyone else is gone, so im pretty bored. mike doesnt get off for another 2 and a half hours, which sucks. i liked it better when he got off at like 4:30. but oh well. now he doesnt have to get up as early so we hang out late at night more. im pretty sure i had more stuff to type, but i cant really think of it now. meh, maybe ill update again later.