Jul 18, 2007 16:18
i will need some serious therapy after this weekend. it just dawned on me this past week that this is it. this really is the end. one of the most captivating series of novels i have ever read, and soon we will know everything and everything will be over. no more waiting, no more reading the book for the first time, no more dressing up for release parties and waiting up til midnight for the "most anticipated book of the summer," no more speculating on who will die and who will live. soon we will all know whether harry dies or lives, whether ron or hermione makes it through to the end, whether voldemort is defeated once and for all or not. yeah, the movies will continue until 2010 approximately, but its just not the same. the books have so much more than the movies ever will. there will always be the constraints of time, cg animation capabilities, budget, etc. the movies will never be able to convey quite the same feelings the books gave us. some of us didnt become fans until later in the series, such as myself. i didnt really get into the books until shortly after the release of goblet of fire. but once i read them all, i was hooked. yeah, i cried at the end of hal-blood prince. ive read and reread the first 4 books over twenty times, no lie. i actually kept count. i visit mugglenet.com everyday, sometimes more than once. and now this amazing series that weve all been so obsessed with will reach its end. im pretty sure ill cry at the end of deathly hallows, no matter what the outcome, just because ill know that there will be no more after this. this has been the end that all of us fans have been counting down to. sure, the other books were a huge deal, but this is it. book 7. the one we always knew would come; and though we looked forward to it, i think were all also a bit hesitant because it would be the end.
so i guess heres to harry. one of the most loved literary characters of all time, im sure. weve all felt we could relate to our tragic hero at one point or another, and hopefully we wont be dissappointed in the way his story ends.