very interesting for any of you comparitive religion and theology enthusiasts out there. yay for msn.
played rousing game of AOK, ate some chocolate, and am now talking to people on IM. god, i lead such a sad life. also, apparently john called my house yesterday while i was napping and my dad (you know...he owns a shotgun)picked up. john said he was really nice on the phone but dad didn't say anything about him calling.
THE BEST THING HAPPENED TODAY! i was actually one of the lucky nine who weren't victims of mrs. razicka's pms-ing, "i will kill you and drink your blood", grading frenzy. let's put it this way: i was extremely glad to get a plain, ole 85%. 20 people got C's, D's, and F's. there are 39 kiddies in my english class. i must have placed 4th or 5th in my class. woohoo! go me!
i'm taking hannah's idea and adapting a funky accent. hers was southern and although i can put on an OK southern accent, i'll do british. "this is tea with trudy, and i'm your host trudy bennet". i can see it now.
i <33 my english/history classes because the people in them. i get along with everyone. even lindsay murphey who's a total biotch. and hannah's turning out to be a really nice, intellectual person.
ooo. new episode of south park AND the OC. woowee!!!