On stories and such.

Jan 04, 2008 04:45

I'm thinking about creating a second account to post bits of a story I'm writing in. It'll be in the form of one scene every week, probably updated on Fridays. This will serve several purposes. The first of which is to allow other people to read, comment, and give constructive criticism of my work. The second is that at one scene a week, it's a rate I can stay on top of (especially giving myself some buffer with what I already have written) if I keep myself on top of it. As it is, I've had periods of turning out ten pages in a day or two, and periods where one page takes me a month. Doing this, I hope to even things out and get some sort of regular pace for writing. Said new journal will be friends locked to prevent unscrupulous peoples from copying it. (I like to delusion myself that it's theft-worthy, anyway.) I should have something up by the end of the week, but go ahead and comment here if you're interested in being added to the friend's list for it.
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