Feb 12, 2012 17:56
Nothing really new to report here...I've been pretty stunningly unbusy lately. xD (Well, I SHOULD be busier, but I'm avoiding homework like a madwoman.)
My apartment now no longer has a drop of hot water in the shower, so that's awesome. =|
Sai's panfandom RP thing is pretty amazingly fun, even if I keep having to talk myself out of claiming more and more characters. xD; I have the problem of much preferring to interact with my characters' canonmates, though, which is something of a problem when the characters that I want to play don't have any! (Though I did end up claiming Elena, like I thought about in the beginning, since we have an almost-full Turk roster, save for Rude.) The memes are kind of interesting, though not really my cup of tea, I don't think, since while I really enjoy reading crack, I'm not so much for writing it.
Still honestly thinking about claiming Saya, though. >_> I have a cheerful messiah, a chatterbox assassin, an arrogant anti-hero, and a derpface knight - I'm severely lacking an angst-bucket vampire queen, dammit. xD (I...might've already made a journal and icons for her. >_>)
What else, what else...
Oh, I've been playing a fair amount of Star Wars: The Old Republic lately! I'm a level 22 Chiss Imperial Operative, which means I'm blue, I sneak around, and I stab people. A lot. My character is also essentially a female James Bond, including a preference for seduction over fighting. xD (Unfortunately the game doesn't include same-sex relationships atm...tsk tsk Bioware. =/ I want to sweet-talk the ladyfolk, too!) I also play light side, even though I'm employed by the Sith Empire. Because I've never really been down with being evil in games.
The storyline is pretty awesome, especially for an MMO. Unfortunately, even though my laptop is badass and built for gaming, the game requires a multi-core processor, and mine's only a single-core...which means I deal with a lot of lag. =/ It sucks, since all the rest of my specs are high enough. I even have enough processing power in the one processor I have, it just can't do as many things at one time as it needs to.
Uh...I don't update this LJ as often as I should! xD I'm pretty much a tumblr resident now, it jives a little better with the micro-updates and random fanart posts and periodic fangirl spazzing that I like better than long-ass blog posts. I just wish there was a better system for replying, other than like...reblogging and stuff.