
May 28, 2011 04:03

Comment to this post saying 'I like cheese!' and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back at me). Other people (including me~) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

My list was: Final Fantasy, Hyperion Rising, Writing, Reading, Kittehs, and Sailor Moon, from lumati.

Leena gave me six because she's a rebel like that, but I'm gonna lump HR in with writing so we have five. xD

Final Fantasy: I've been madly in love with this franchise since 2000, and my first game was VIII. It was only my second RPG, and I was the biggest Rinoa fangirl ever (...'cept Leena, of course =P) back then. It was all drama and angst and sorceresses and knights and other things that I loved at the time. However, it would be soon eclipsed by my second, and still favorite, Final Fantasy - IX. I'm convinced that the PSX era was the golden age of Final Fantasy, the SNES games are my second favorite, followed by PS2, then PS3, then NES.

Writing (and my current project, Hyperion Rising): I love to write. I've loved it since I was little. I wrote bad poetry in middle school, and mediocre fanfiction that was entirely too short. I quit writing entirely for years, though, between my freshman year of high school and my sophomore year of college, since I was convinced that even if I had some talent for it, I would never be an author. Then I took a short story class for my creative arts requirement, and realized that this is what I should be doing with my life, and fuck the consequences. I mean, I was getting a history degree in order to teach before, so why not teach English instead? I wrote original stuff for my classes (which you can read here, if you click the tag original fiction), and have a book brewing in the back of my mind. I didn't start writing fanfic again until ff_land, and Hyperion Rising (my FFVIII AU) is my current major project. At 10,000+ words, it is already the longest thing I've ever written, and I've only written two chapters! Lol. I'm really excited for it, but getting to the good part (aka, past the first disc) is kinda tedious. ^^; I look at it as novel-writing practice! Since I need to learn how to write really long stories.

Reading: My first true love. <3 Books were my friends when no one else was. Reading is still my favorite pastime, even if I do it less than I used to. My favorite books are the Black Jewels Trilogy, Neil Gaiman is my favorite author, my favorite genre is fantasy, and my favorite trope? Twists on fairy tales. Odd that I don't have a lot to say here. Probably because if I started, I don't think I could stop. xD;

Cats: Aaaaah I love cats! There has only been one year of my whole life that I haven't owned a cat, and it made me so sad~ Growing up, we always had at least one cat, and typically many many outdoor kitties, since we lived in the boonies. The three most important cats I've owned, however, were Carly, Rat, and Jaina. Carly was a black calico darling who always had eight babies a year, like clockwork. She was my mom's cat, and the only one we had inside until I was like ten. A few years after she died, my mom and I brought in a litter of kittens whose mom had died when they were only a week old, and nursed them. There were five babies to start with, and only one, the runt of the litter, made it. His name was Rat (my mom named him, because he was pink and white as a baby) and he was my darling. I had him for most of my later childhood - about seven years, I think. But then he went missing for a few days (not completely unusual, he wandered into the woods sometimes) and I found him while walking my mom's dog - someone had hit him with their car. ;___; I was inconsolable. Still makes me sad to think about, and it's been like five years. Jaina is my current cat, and I've had her for about a year and a half. She's fluffy and grumpy and not really too bright, but I love her anyways. I adopted her from a shelter that rescues animals from being euthanized. Took her a while to settle in, but it makes me happy that I could finally give her a home, since she'd not had one for so long.

Sailor Moon: Probably one of the defining things in my life, to be honest. It opened doors for my love of anime, Japanese culture, astrology, mythology...I can track a lot of the things that I truly love back to that show. SM was also responsible for helping me form bonds with people online, since the first major place that I interacted with people was the forums of the fansite, A Sailormoon Romance. ASMR was where I met the two ladies who would be my best friends for a good three years of my life. They're also the ones who taught me about the world and how it was okay to disagree with your stupid conservative douchebag of a dad. Indirectly, Sailor Moon is responsible for me even being on LJ. Ironically, I love the manga far more than the anime (thought the anime will always have nostalgia value), since I finally got a chance to read it in the past year (...I imported the Japanese reprint edition, and read translations online. I'm a giant dork, I know) and I'm so excited that it's getting a new translation! Hell, I even love PGSM and the musicals, lol. Thought that's mostly for the cheese factor.

books, sailor moon, rambling, long post is long, meme

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