May 21, 2006 09:17
So yesterday was an eventful day i guess u could say. First I opened which didn't go too horrible. Horray for that. Then Monica and I went to Janet's graduation party. It took forever to get there because they decided to make every road go down to one lane. The party was at this park that had barn animals, including three pigs: two little ones and a gigantic one. The gigantic one was disgusting but in a way somewhat cute and the two little ones found more amusement making out with the lamb on the other side of the fence than paying any attention to me. They were so cute though. After the party we went and saw the DaVinci Code. Now I read more than half the book but I didn't finish in time so I went in not knowing the ending which was actually kinda cool. Overall the movie was pretty good but really busy. Too much going on at one time. Plus I like Tom Hanks but someone like a Harrison Ford would've been better as the lead character. Today I have to work at 3. My cousin's birthday party is today and I wanted to at least stop by but for some reason Mary thinks it is necessary that we work together today. I don't see the point. She was really getting on my nerves yesterday and I know I can be crabby sometimes but when u work with someone like her who I believe doesn't give two shits about the store or anyone in it, it becomes tiresome. Tomorrow I have off except for a manager meeting at 4 so call me if anyone is doing anything!