Title: Near Hysterics Pairing: Minho/Jonghyun Rating: NC-17 A/N: This pretty much slapped me in the face last night and I finished it today. Written with ‘Hysteria’ by Muse on repeat. 8]
admittedly, i should have used my Minho icon, but i could resist since you mentioned one ofKey's epic lines. Key raving about that stupid fucking superhero on his body i lol'ed in real life. and i'm still kinda giggling. god damn, you always make me crack up in front of my computer alone like a psychpath XD
but onto the main point of the story wait, it wasn't Key? XD ah biases this was so so fucking hot. and i usually don't even like this pairing. but but this...ajfbwu. dude. you are amazing.
Minho would just love to make Jonghyun writhe in pleasure and cry out and all sorts of nasty dirty things i would enjoy this too. sequel? XD no pressure though. you write whatever you want and i will flail, i assure you. lol.
Jonghyun pulled from the lip lock with a gasp, dropping his head back on the seat and spreading his legs further. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he had it all right below him in a squirming, hot mess. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for my complete lack of eloquence XD
“Well then,” Key said, shrugging and smirking as he sat back in his seat. “You two can do your own laundry.” sorry, i couldn't resist ♥
but this was just the perfect thing to come home from work to! loved it loved it loved it.
would you hate me if i included Gwiboon squirting in my fic? b/c now that you've put that in my head, it has become fact to me XD i will totally credit you for your genius though. god i ask you really awkward questions *hides*
I c ur bias and I like it :B Cuz I share it ahaha. So your comment is totally sweet and epic and awesome and amazing just like you but EVERY TIME THAT GWIBOON IS WRITTEN SHE SHOULD BE A SQUIRTER, JSYK. ^^
lmao. okay! message received! i shall write Gwiboon squirting XD that sounds so bizarre out of context...actually it sounds just as bizarre in context XD but i am cracking up at the gigantic text. seriously. now i must pull myself together to go atttempt to do Gwiboon justice! lol.
Key raving about that stupid fucking superhero on his body
i lol'ed in real life. and i'm still kinda giggling. god damn, you always make me crack up in front of my computer alone like a psychpath XD
but onto the main point of the story wait, it wasn't Key? XD ah biases
this was so so fucking hot. and i usually don't even like this pairing. but but this...ajfbwu. dude. you are amazing.
Minho would just love to make Jonghyun writhe in pleasure and cry out and all sorts of nasty dirty things
i would enjoy this too. sequel? XD no pressure though. you write whatever you want and i will flail, i assure you. lol.
Jonghyun pulled from the lip lock with a gasp, dropping his head back on the seat and spreading his legs further.
he had it all right below him in a squirming, hot mess.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for my complete lack of eloquence XD
“Well then,” Key said, shrugging and smirking as he sat back in his seat. “You two can do your own laundry.”
sorry, i couldn't resist ♥
but this was just the perfect thing to come home from work to! loved it loved it loved it.
would you hate me if i included Gwiboon squirting in my fic? b/c now that you've put that in my head, it has become fact to me XD i will totally credit you for your genius though.
god i ask you really awkward questions *hides*
So your comment is totally sweet and epic and awesome and amazing just like you but
but i am cracking up at the gigantic text. seriously. now i must pull myself together to go atttempt to do Gwiboon justice! lol.
I'm writing one right now too I'ma dedicate it to youuuu <333
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