The same day that President Obama gets the Noble Peace Prize the media says the US is "Bombing the Moon"
Can someone... Anyone, please tell me why the President is getting the Noble Peace Prize?
According to the Nobel Committie: "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future,"
But even the AP concedes that:
"Still, the U.S. remains at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. Congress has yet to pass a law reducing carbon emissions and there has been little significant reduction in global nuclear stockpiles since Obama took office." It is ok, he has only been at it about a year now. (if you recall he was already pushing this stuff before elected... oh and a senator a few years prior to that... no hurry though, make some strides in about 2 more years in time for election time, but not too much)
"Obama ordered 21,000 additional troops to Afghanistan earlier this year and has continued the use of unmanned drones for attacks on militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a strategy devised by the Bush administration. The attacks often kill or injure civilians living in the area." Does not sound very peaceful... and did the AP just say President Obama is doing something the same as President Bush?!? *Gasp*
"Obama also has attempted to restart stalled talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, but just a day after Obama hosted the Israeli and Palestinian leaders in New York, Israeli officials boasted that they had fended off U.S. pressure to halt settlement construction. Moderate Palestinians said they felt undermined by Obama's failure to back up his demand for a freeze. " So I guess that was a failure on his part?
So he got the Nobel Peace Prize because he say he wants to make the world a better place? His zombie mantra of "Hope" seems to have drifted across the ocean and makes him a winner (the winner gets roughly 1.3 Million dollars btw). I want to make the world a better place too and I'll settle for $100,000.
So to win the Nobel Peace Prize, you have to:
1) Remain at war in 2 locations where innocent collateral damage is a cost of doing business.
2) Tell people you want to reduce arms and stem pollution, but don't have to do anything to really accomplish it over a 3 year period.
3) Call unsuccessful meetings between the Israelis and Palestinians and hope (there is that hope again) hey just work things out.
4) Oh and last and no least "Hope, change, rinse and repeat".