Hey everybody, uh...it seems my graphics card (or something related to the display on my screen ~-~ ) Has been acting up lately...I was hoping it was something to do with the software, but...it seems my graphics card is failing. I can't buy the new one that I want untill I get my check in, and it won't be here untill MAYBE tomorrow, or tuesday (since sunday the mail doesn't run and monday is a holiday.) Then I'd have to wait and have it deposited, so chances are I won't be able to buy it untill tuesday or wednesday at the earliest, and the product I want to buy (
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130062 ) will take 3 or so days to ship....so I won't really be around for a week or so unless by a blessing from God, my graphics card starts to work properly again.
Love ya all, hope y'all do well. You won't see me on msn or AIM for a while. I WILL try and suffer through this horrible crap to check my e-mails every day, unless the card fails completely. x_x <3 Take care, everybody.
Edit: Can ANYBODY who plays Guildwars do me a favor? Add "Danika Freeman" to your buddy list, and if/when you see her, please link her to this entry. x.x (or tell her I won't be on for a while..she's the only person I can't reach and I gtg like NOW)
Thank you <3