Apr 20, 2007 05:54
It's 05.55 in the morning. I just got back from the seven-thirty theatre in Malmö yesterday (The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chechov). We all went for a beer afterwards, and as usual time flew. Suddenly it was almost one o'clock. As we walked down the streets of Malmö we caught a glimpse of the last bus back to Lund as it passed us by the bus station. The next one was to leave at five in the morning. After some debate whether it was better to just grab a cab right now and go home we all agreed to go to Christian's place instead for a bit of an after party and call the cab later.
Things were calm at Christian's place. He had a bottle of wine we all shared (except for me and Johan who, for some reason, got a glass of vodka each instead), and most of the night was spent by Anna and Emma arguing about what music to play with Sofia, who constantly wanted everyone (me in particular) to sing along with songs á la Imagine and The Boxer in some sort of home fashioned karaoke thing. Christian distributed his graces between the other girls and spent the rest of the time laying on the bed looking tired while me and Johan chattered away.
Sofia acctually mentioned that at some point.
"You guys seem to have this, like, great connection."
We looked at eachother, unsure of how to reply. Finally I opened my mouth.
"Well, I guess that's because we both talk just about as much."
"Yes", he added," and because neither of us listen to the other one very much either."
Having gotten that answer she changed the subject to follow how she found everybody else so intelligent in class while she wasn't, but as the conversation drifted along her words lingered. She thought we seemed to have a great connection. I guess we do. But then again, it is always nice to hear from somebody else. And it is true that we, whenever we get started on something, get going good. Sometimes we are basically impossible to interrupt.
I do think he has a thing going on with little Anna though. I know she lives in Kristianstad, but she did go to Lund with us and there was some exchanging of glances and some "oh I'll get some place to stay..." and when I turned off for home she was one of the three left. Interesting. I need to ask him about this.
I had a good night though. Not in the sense "I got something", but in the "I had a really great time with my classmates who are now just a little more than classmates and have become aquaintances almost friends".
Now I am going to get dressed and head down to the bakery to buy a piece of bread, boil some eggs and make a great breakfast. Then I will succumber to the sleep of the righteous and the very tired.