I went on GaiaOnline (shut up I like dressing up my avatar) and decided to read some of the posts about today;
There were many positive things said, but these just made me so angry.
"No because I don't care about gays.
I don't hate them or anything. I just don't care."
"No, because wearing a color doesn't undo what's been done, it just gives the GLBT community press coverage and attention that they don't really need. I'd rather do a fund raiser for their families. That'd be more helpful than wearing a color. In fact, why not have a fundraiser for all students that killed themselves because of bullying? Just because you're gay doesn't make it anymore tragic than the hundreds of straight kids that killed themselves this year because of bullying."
No, I wore gray. neutral
These people don't deserve this much attention simply for being whatever they are. By killing themselves, they caved in and gave those who discriminate more power by silencing themselves. If they truly wanted tolerance, they would have stayed alive, succeeded in life, and inadvertently piss off those who hated them BY succeeding. Your haters want nothing more than to see you crash and burn.
How the in the shit is tolerance created if those who want it willingly end their lives? Grow the fuck up and tell your haters to eat shit. Seriously.
"No. Suicide should be prevented, not honoured."
"People being unsuitable for life is no reason for me to adapt my wardrobe. I don't nor should I want to go to any length to support such nonsense. "
"First off, FUCK purple. I'm not Prince. I don't do purple.
Secondly, why should we "honor" stupid people, when their decisions to kill themselves are nothing out of the ordinary? Teens kill themselves for stupid reasons, every day.
Why should we honor the "gay" suicides, and completely ignore the many students who did it for other reasons? "My parents don't understand me!", "My girlfriend broke up with me!", "I have no friends!", and "Everyone thinks I'm a whore!".
Where the fuck are THOSE kids' honor day?"
"No, that's stupid. Not everyone's natural inclinations are good and some should be suppressed."
I'm wearing green today. Incase you didnt know green is the direct opposite of purple. I dont support homosexuality, I dont support gay marriage. If taylor had to think twice about having gay sex he shouldnt have done it in the first place. Dont do shit that you dont want others to know about."
I just gave up at that point, it was really starting to upset me. I don't know the ages of those people, but I do know that Gaia has alot of teenagers, and the idea that these kids are already feeling this way makes me so fucking sad.
It's not about celebrating suicide, guys. It's not about excluding other groups of people. Wearing pink ribbons to support breast cancer research doesn't mean people don't care about every other kind of cancer, it's just support for a particular issue.