Jun 19, 2006 01:23
i like scurrying up potentially dangerous roofs with lovely people to make pictures out of stars.
i like feeling that i might fall at any moment, but that the night would be worth it.
i like sticking to leather seats of cars and couches and having to peel my legs and arms off very, very carefully.
i like trusting people with occasional silence in conversation that could be awkward but isn't.
i like long dinners with my mother where she tells me stories about her first cigarette.
i like realizing that my mother isn't perfect.
i like waking up early and staying in bed until my feet feel ready to hit the floor.
i like wearing glasses occasionally, even though i feel/look like a nerd, because they make me feel like i'm watching the world through a window and that's a nice perspective sometimes.
i like the word "perspective."
i like opening all the windows and the sunroof and letting the wind blow my justbrushed hair into a flurry of chaos and carelessness.
i like 1:37 AM.
i like herethereandeverywhere.
i like whoever knows what i meant by that.
i like long lists of "i likes" and i like that i make them so frequently.