I bought a violin off Craigslist a few months ago. It's a 4/4 Yamaha.
I had been meaning to get one for awhile, I had been thinking about it. I want to play fiddle tunes, and I had been assembling midi files of ones I liked, also a bunch of tunes from a pennywhistle book my dad had, and trying to learn them by ear before I got the violin, I had read on the internet that a fiddle player can't know too many tunes.
I play piano and guitar, so I was going to try teaching myself, but I have caved in and I go to a teacher for the first time next week. I can play a few scales, and I can bumble through Whiskey Before Breakfast.
here's me playing it I am alright with fretting the notes, getting my fingers in the way of other strings a bit, but bowing properly is the biggest mystery - Youtube only confused me more, I saw 2 people playing the same tune, and their bows were going the opposite way for the same notes :/ Any thoughts? I was doing one bow stroke per 4/4 beat, but I sometimes run out of bow, lol.