Haven't posted in a while

Nov 30, 2008 22:44


It has been a while since i have been on here.  There isn't too much new. School is busy, work is busy stressful, and I am sick.  Wooo, yay for the same.  Well one thing is new.  The doctor thinks that what has really been happening is that I haven't been "sick" as in cold/flu, but that i might have stress induced asthma (this could explain why I couldn't get anyone sick (even max) most of the time).  I still have one more respiratory test, and a doctor's visit to discuss and analyze the results.

I have picked out my classes for the winter/spring semesters.

Winter- Geog 470 Field course in Death Valley (basically camping for 4 days) 2 credits

Spring- Biol 415 Evolution (biology capstone) 4 credits
              Biol 410 Plant Physiology  3 credits
              Biol 321 Marine Biology 3 credits
              Phys 152 General Phys II 4 credits

And then I am done (finally)

No concrete ideas for grad school yet. 
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