ganked from
purejaqassary. because why go to class when i can drink coffee and do this, in a vain attempt to not think about all the shit i have to do tonight?
given a hickey?: guilty
Singing in the shower?: guilty
gotten a hickey?: so guilty
Spit in someone's drink?: maybe in a soda of my brother's, but no specific incidents that i can recall
Played with Barbie?: my barbies had lots of sex...and i didn't have a ken doll. go figure
Made someone cry?: too many times for my liking
Opened your Christmas presents early?: i used to peel the paper off super-slowly and carefully, then replace all the tape and re-hide the presents in my mom's room
Lied to a friend?: when necessary. but i'm a terrible lier, so very rarely
Broken a bone?: just a sprain in 5th grade (wrist)
Seen "The Goonies" more than 10 times?: just once
Played a Computer game for more than 5 hours?: eew. no
Ran through the sprinklers naked?: i should
Went outside naked: topless. i should fix that
Flashed somebody?: of course
Mooned somebody?: nope. just recieved
Been on stage?: yes. ugh
Been on stage naked or close to it?: haha, no
Been in a parade?: yeah, pride at home, and riding my bike in the forest fair parade when i was small
Been in a school play?: i played the fox in "The Gingerbread Man". age 5.
Drank beer?: yup
Gotten detention?: yep.
Been on a plane: often
Been on a cruise: once. very weird, and i'll never do anything like that again
Cheated on a test?: i don't think so
Broken into a house?: nope
Gotten a tattoo?: two
Gotten piercings?: plenty
Gotten into a fist fight?: Not since my little brother and i grew out of it
Gotten into a shouting match?: le sigh
Swallowed sea/pool water?: not on purpose
Spun yourself in circles to get dizzy on purpose?: oh yeah. especially in my dad's desk chair at home, around around around
Laughed so hard it hurt?: sure
Tripped on your own feet?: i live in flip flops. of course
Had sex with more then one person in a day?: nope
Cried yourself to sleep?: uh huh
Cried in public?: that's the worst
Thrown up in public?: not since i was about 4
Lied to your parents?: sure, but i always got caught
Cried so hard you threw up?: nope
Gone skinny dipping?: just topless
Skydived?: i'd love to
Gotten jealous?: always
Screamed so loud you turned red?: um, not since i was little. i'm not much of a screamer now.
Burned an ant with a magnifying glass?: haha, no. although i got in HUGE trouble because me and a friend burned a little hole in the backseat of his mom's car (the sunroof was open and we happened to have a magnifying glass). again, this was in my youth.