Why am I so upset at 1st alternate?
Because 2nd place is first loser.
At least I placed with a crappy wrist and no practice.
Okay, maybe I'll go into a little more detail about Solo and Ensemble.
Got there, went to the cafeteria and warmed up with Karen, all good. Then I went into the violin room 1 time slot before I was supposed to go and saw Maritza play. She did awesome on the third movement of the Bach concerto in A minor.
Then it was my turn to play. Ron was there, and that made me happy. On Friday I told him what time I was playing, but I really didn't expect him to come see me that early in the morning. So anyway, I tuned, played the Conus, hit all the octaves, butchered the vibrato because my hand can't wiggle that fast any more, and overall did a pretty good job. Except I missed the very last note, a high D. (Like an octave above 4th finger third position on the E string D) The judge didn't really say much...like I said earlier, I was expecting more. But oh, well.
Then Karen played...the Conus, too. Nice job, Karen! I don't know if it did any good for either of us, though, to be play the same piece right after each other. Probably not. Ohhhhhhhh well. What can I do now?
Then I just hung out and listened to other groups and almost died of starvation, and then the FHS "Large Ensemble" played the Brandenburg. We sounded kind of...bad. Maybe because the violins were going one tempo, the violas were in their own land, and the cellos/bass were rushing like no other. Hey, but we still got a Superior.
My hand hurt by then.
Then I waited until like 1:30 and then Sandy and I went to Haggen to get sandwiches. Eating was good, then we got back and Katy and I played. Our judge was absolutely insane. We got a superior, too.
That's about it, I guess. How boring....