Feb 21, 2006 10:31
I read once, in something that was trying to describe me (probably a quiz, knowing me) that said I reject gender roles without going out of my way to actively defy them.
Yes. This is very true. The "Music" area is particularly important for this entry.
It's currently on female body building. Everybody grows as they age, some for the better, and some to the worse. I'd like to think I'm going for the better. I'm definitely going for at least, the strange. I remember thinking, the first time I saw a female body building competition, I was appalled. Not slightly, a lot. "they don't look like women!" Well, I'd like to say I've changed my tune. It's not he standard, squishy-curvy, but it's still there.
Now, it's talking about gender-benders (cross-dressers, in this case) in India. I applaud these people, as well.
I remember, clearly, the first time I realized that my boss at work regarded me as strong. I don't mean the million times he used the fact I was stronger than the littlest guy at work, Charlie. I mean, just strong. He had been transferred to a new store (sadness! K was my buddy!) and I went to go see him. I walked in the office, and there was a 40 gallon trash can filled to the brim with paper. (Paper is heavy, folks! Remember this when you go to move!) I walk in, the first thing he says to me after "Where's Mike?" is "Pick up that trash can!" So... I did. He then turned to the other guy in the office and goes, "SEE! She's strong!" Then when the guy started giving me crap, K said, "Watch it, she'll kick your ass, she's in roller derby. She's tough, too."
I almost peed myself. K is an adventure racer. This man is TOUGH. And for him to say that about ME?! And to give me kudos for being strong? Seriously... awesome.
There were no caveats "for a girl." Just, "She's strong. She's tough. Don't fuck with her."
I love that. Because.. I am! I don't want the caveats. I don't DESERVE the caveats.
I applaud anybody who does what they can to be truest to themselves without regard to gender roles and stereotypes.