My next big idea...

Sep 29, 2007 13:03

I was thinking about Dancing With The Stars earlier today. I've never seen it, but it strikes me as silly. On the other hand, though, ballroom dancing, at the competive level is not an easy thing. The folks on Dancing have a fairly sort time in which to train to a comparitively high level of proficiency. Setting aside that they're celbrities, that's a worthwhile and interesting thing to be doing. And, perhaps, to be watching. And not just because of the women's costumes...

So, I got to thinking about the use of celebrities as a gimmick to draw viewers in, but not for something ridiculous, as usually happens, but for something that has merit independent of the celebrities.

I'm not sure it's such a bad thing. Hell, maybe it's a good thing.

So, my next big idea (and some of you know great my big ideas can be):

Book Club With The Stars
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