Here's a picture of my new picture. Finally got it up and hanging. The frame is probably worth a lot more than the print! I think I got tricked into buying the frame with their "free" print gimmick.
"What, are you just going to leave the print rolled up in a tube forever?" they asked me increduously. So I bought the frames, for all 3 of the prints. I really shouldn't have bought any of the extra frames for the other prints, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. So there it does like quite nice in real life.
Workwise, I'm glad to have another successful experience with the boys. Sometimes I wonder how much more emotional abuse I can take from these kids. Its hard to brush off their insults and aggression, and I know it's nothing personal. They do that to everyone. But let me get to my sucessful experience.
I brought in 3 drums and gave one to each kid (total of 5 kids in the group). Rules:
-they have to make eye contact with the person playing drums
-when you stop playing you must make eye contact with the person you want to play next
-you must start playing your drum within 5 seconds upon receiving eye contact
-no talking or pointing or playing while another person is playing (most violated rule!)
Of course the boys turned this into a competitive activity by making a person "out" if they violated any of th rules, but it went well. They were really creative with their playing. They added vocal sounds, finger snaps, and claps to their drumming without any prompting. The most satisfying thing for me was that they were so engaged and interested. They also seem to really enjoy playin on the drums and adding their own thing to the drumming.