Feb 21, 2018 15:47
I may do this from time to time, endorsing random Steam or Switch games.
So, Dark Seal:Gate of Doom is a pretty simple but fun arcade game. For the most part it's a clone of Gauntlet, an overhead shooter with a medieval fantasy theme. The twist comes from the way that, even though only one character is a wizard, the whole cast can choose from the same pool of transformation spells once they kill enough enemies. Changing into a new form lets you temporarily run around the screen as huge sprite of some powerful being with stronger attacks. It's kinda like what a D and D game would be like if they allowed you to change into a beholder or mindflayer every now and then. You do have to be careful of certain enemies, though, since they can change you into forms that weaken you.
I'm a bit disappointed that Switch hasn't got a virtual console going yet, but I don't mind so much since the system is slowly becoming a MAME box full of arcade roms.
Oh yeah, and Gate of Doom has a playable ninja. Out of place, but kinda fun because of it.