Someone dropped it off at the side of the road. It was a dodson about six months old. I was driving down this country road by my house to the grocery store and I see this tiny little dog running down the road. BTW this road is very narrow, has a lot of traffic and people are constantly speeding on it. She's heading straight for my car so I pulled over and stopped. One of my neighbors is in his truck and he's trying to get her to get in the truck. So I assume it's his puppy and I rolled down my window to ask if she's his. He told me no he saw someone throw her out of a car and he's been trying to get her off the road. All this time she's just running around my car. So I get out and call her over to me. She comes running to me and I let her smell my hand. Then she starts licking my hand and I pet her and pick her up. She's very sweet. Doesn't bark or growl at me. You can tell she was someone's pet, well feed but no identification tags. Now I have two pit bulls so I can't take her. My female doesn't like other dogs except for her brother
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I would've hated to have to take her to the dog rescue but I wouldn't be able to keep her. If I didn't have tootsie and jojo I would've taken her home without a second thought.
That is so sad that someone would just dump their dog out on the side of the road. I am glad you and your neighbor were there to pick up this little lost one and give her a new home. Kudos to you. Not everyone would have done that. Now a puppy has been saved, and a little girl has a new pet. Win-win.
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