Aug 02, 2010 17:58
I was involved a swap that allowed me to create five writing goals for myself and get a new writing buddy to keep me going. But I figured I'd share them here too. These goals are from August 1st until October 31st.
1. In August - Finish Locked, Lashed and Loved (WUDJ)
- I finished the month with 100K and change, but the story has some gaps and isn’t finished yet. I want to get it done because a story isn’t a story without an ending. Oh and all those plot holes kind of suck right now too.
2. In September - Edit Locked, Lashed and Loved(WUDJ) as well as it’s duet Blissfully Chained(Nano09)
- These both need to get edited together to double check that the plots match and that I have the story ready to move forward for the next story. BC has been completely edited but now that LLL has come along a few things need to change and disappear.
3. In October - Plot and plan “Luna’s Story” for Nano 2010
- BC was the first Nano I actually had a plan for. I knew what my main plot points were and where I wanted to go with the story. This helped me hit the 100K in November and I think was the only reason I finished BC within the month. It won’t be a full out plot because I don’t work like that but I want ideas down and thought about before November starts.
4. Finally allow someone to beta or edit something I’ve written. Make sure they actually complete it.
- This is a two part goal, but a very important one. I am very guarded at who gets to read my writing so I must be comfortable with whom I give it to. And I’ve recently (and by recently I mean a few months ago) given work to two friends who haven’t even read it yet so that really doesn’t help me.
5. Spend a minimum of 7 hours a week on writing and/or writing projects. (approx. 1 hour a day)
- I have been spending at least an hour a day working on writing/editing/plotting since the last week of June if I keep that up I will be good. If I miss a day or two I can push that time to another day. That way I’ll be set for Nano and possibly have established an actual writing habit.
Wish me Luck!