A lovely and concerned friend of mine recently told me about his struggles with weight gain and loss. I certainly know all about that, at least lately. Anyway, we went back and looked at my own pictures from last year versus today and although I shouldn't be shocked anymore, I always am by the difference. But I think I view it differently- I see it more as the outside of me is reflecting my inside self. I put on so much weight after M died because I felt like crap. I think I was punishing myself and at the same time trying to numb the pain in the only way I knew how. Anyway, every day is a struggle, although on a smaller scale. (no pun intended, hah!) Before I would get mad at myself if I ate two hotdogs, a pint of Ben and Jerry's,and much more throughout the day. I can't calculate how much I ate, but it was a lot. Now I get mad at myself if I eat a few peanuts when I'm not hungry, or a bowl of cereal when I just ate dinner. I know I am doing well with keeping my caloric intake down, and I eat extremely healthy these days. I feel better and that helps in keeping my mental state healthy. Now, I just have to incorporate more exercise into the equation. I did contact the women's ice hockey team I talked about in an earlier entry and I got a reply back so I guess I'm going to give them a call. Can you guys imagine me all geared up on ice skates? hahaha Well, it might hurt to try but it will hurt more if I don't :)
And, just because they're so fun for me, here's the before and current pictures for the week. The before was taken in April of last year, the current taken last night. Click on the current one for my picture gallery, which I have finally updated.