sunset strip bitch

Nov 21, 2005 14:47

so lets have a stream of consciousness. monday-wild dinner with nowacki and gary and kg at buckhead diner and intense belly rumblings and bass and blue cheese and bambambam and then also like two days of insane meetings and your mothe randomly and um stuff like gender transgressions and cold weather and we need to pause to say this SRMUN05. i am legit a big dork and im even ok with it sometimes parties are better sober playing taboo and dirty dancing than not. in any case, me kg tajimoto heather wild wafflehousesessionsMOTIONFORASUSPENSIONOFTHEMEETINGyourmomgoes to caucus. does that say it all? "we're from south georgia baby, we drink or we die!" brandom and belarus and sparkly pink hats and bison and lebanon and israel and moroccan men and room service and the 16th floor and outside and ambiguously gay uk (aka agu says brandon) and even so much more and so nice poland and ocd china maybe we could talk about the disconnection of japan and naps and 4am showers and passing out and waking up and switching formal swear and resolutions passing and voting procedure and basically having the time of my life. and coming back for lovely morehousemath majors aka new bffs bc lauren's party i dont even run on CPT aka early for taboo and lollipops and laughing and then later lame and yesterday we dont even know what to say except for eckerds and hammers and rain and violence and the rest is all a secret. so that now it can be better than it was before and tomorrow sarah is picking me up from the airport and it will be a reunion of love and clean sheets and hopefully ferlito's or chinese food and then my azn thanksgiving of joy with lenatheasian queeeeeeen. and cc mtg in 30 min and then packing an di have to fold my laundry and its a little crazy but so ok bc rainy mondays = "dole-drums" from CVS. wow. im out of breath now and out of space the end.
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