Feb 07, 2005 15:23
...that should be in German really but I can't be bothered to translate it.
Friday night was a bit pap - I spent ages doing the washing up that we, as slovenly buggers, had left all week - it was minging, it really was - I can't wait till we get the dishwasher! - then I had to clear up copious amounts of cat poo that Matt trailed through the house whilst trying to get us re-connected to the internet - it put me off my chocolate mousse and thats saying something - went to bed early in a not very good mood
Saturday I went to the papercraft extravaganza in Harrogate - usually I would expect anything wtih 'extravaganza' in the title to be crap but it was OK - not as good as the itching and scratching show (the knitting and stitching show) in November but I did manage to come home with a couple of bits - it was firmly geared to 'older' ladies and their rubber stamping/card-making activities whereas my papercraft is more art based so much of it was a bit pap for me - still it was a nice drive out there and I did pick up some tips about using artists pastels of which I have a huge box-ful that I haven't used for ages
Then it was on to Maries house to pick up a nice wooden mirror - thanks for that!
Then I rushed home to have something to eat before changing and getting ready to go out to Annas birthday meal - yummy Thai food - I wanna do it all over again - and it was lovely to see people that I hadn't seen in ages - its been too long Patrick and Armie and Ophie - and I met some lovely new people too - Mofette and Milf - she is mad as a hatter but lovely with it - I went home a very Happy Bunny that night - oh and it was very good having an early start - I got to go out and then still have time to relax in front of the TV when I got home
Sunday was spent doing arty things and then suddenly realising it was nearly time to go - so frantically got ready and it was off to Huddersfield to catch the train to Manchester for the Rammstein gig - met up with a couple of sweet mini-moshers on the train and promised them a lift home when we all got back to Hudds - then met up with loads of mates in the Moon under Water (great name for a pub!) which was great fun (except for Mattley telling everyone my murky secrets!) - was great to See Brian and Debs - they are smashing people - spent the rest of the gig with them as Mattley had his head set on where he wanted to stand so we were split up from the rest of the bunch - excellent gig - fabulous explosions, fireworks, flamethrowers, confetti and heat - could have done with being louder - I could hear perfectly well when I got home and thats just not right!! - but all in all a very good gig - I was very bouncy and I'm sure some small boys now have sore feet from my heavy New Rocks landing on them repeatedly! - met RJ and Lindy at the train station and travelled back with them which was fab - don't get to see hem enough either - them dropped off Lucy and her green-haired boyfriend and home for marmite and toast, shower and fall into bed exhausted but happy.
All in all a thoroughly enjoyable weekend - should have more like that...