Jul 21, 2010 23:18

Ways of contacting me! Because depending on your usual default way of trying to contact people I might appear distant and hard to get ahold of or you might be wondering why I even feel this post might be helpful because I'm clearly around so much.

The best, easiest, usually fastest way to get ahold of me is email! My email address is the same as my LJ username at gmail. Commenting on my LJ or PMing me on twitter is the same as emailing me, I get notifications for both. I also get notifications for facebook but depending on my feelings on facebook and ability to remember my password I might not actually get around to replying even though I'll read it.

In terms of chat programs I'm almost always on gtalk although the status may be a lie. If you email me I can haul myself over to MSN but it's too clunky for me to like using all the time these days compared to gtalk.

I am better about my phone than I used to be! But I still might not look at it for a day or week on end so try email first. I also usually have my phone on silent so messaging me is probably a better bet than trying to actually call. I usually have my phone on me and charged and try to check it at least once or twice a day during term time, but during the holidays all bets are off. Seriously, email is probably better.

Home phone is... you'll probably have to leave a message and I don't check the messages so I'll only find out you left a message when my mother checks the messages. May or may not be more reliable than my mobile phone but on the other hand the response you get is probably going to be email/SMS anyway so you might as well use one of those methods.

One day I might update about Life Things but mostly I am kind of just using twitter for that.
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