Crazy week.

Oct 14, 2007 00:11


Tuesday we went out to Amite to pick up the puppies from mom's. Got all 7 of em easily, they were quiet and good the whole way back. Gave them baths that first night.

They've been living in the sunroom all week. Every night they get better about using the puppy pads :) They're spending a lot of time outdoors so clean up is getting easier. I've mopped that room more times since Wednesday than I think I've mopped all my life.

We took 3 of them to the emergency vet Thursday night for diarrehea and vomiting. They've been on Panacur and some pills since. They hate the Panacur. Good thing they had their last dose tonight :) It's definitely made a difference - everyone's plumbing is functioning normally now and no more vomiting.

Friday morning/afternoon, the big black one was still not quite feeling good so I had to give my little Buddy to Chris' coworker instead of him :( I miss my Buddy. At least he will have a good life there.

I'm worried about the big gray one with the white on his chest :( Last night we noticed he was limping pretty bad on his hind leg. We pulled a woodtick off his head that night. This morning we brought him in to AVS and had him checked out - we aren't 100% sure what's going on yet. It could be tick paralysis, but we'd have to wait a day or so and see if he gets better since we removed the tick last night. If he doesn't get better and all ticks are gone (I didn't see any others), there is a spot on the xray that is not quite right. I hope to god that it is just tick paralysis and not nerve or spinal cord damage. :( He must have been the one Mirabelle kinda trampled by accident the other night. Crap. :(

That's the latest on the puppies.

More bad news for me, too. Went to my endodontist appt Thursday to get the calcium hydroxide put in my canine tooth. (It has internal and external resorption). Welllll, once she got in there she found out that the damage was way more advanced than she expected - and they aren't going to be able to save my tooth afterall. So instead of a simple root canal with a filling, I'm going to have to have the whole thing extracted and get an implant. Serious. $$$$$. Not to mention serious oral surgery. F.U.C.K.!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :(
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