Inspired by Lots of letters I thought I'd put a Baby gaga ticker on my page here.
Damn right about wiggling around. My baby does that a lot now. Mark was watching my belly last night and swore he saw a foot or a hand glide accross it. We've never seen that before so obviously they are growing rapidly. It's beautiful feeling them move. I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday.Mark couldn't come because of work but my sister and my mum did. My baby is never in the mood for an ultrasound, baby covered it's face with it's hands and after 20 minutes decided to roll onto it's head. But all seems very healthy- no holes in the heart, spinal cord problems, cleft lip, shin bone problems. I'm so relieved that everything is going well. I could've found out the sex yesterday but Mark and I don't want that. Even the nurse said she found it refreshing that we weren't finding out, everybody does nowdays she said. I want a surprise. Plus I'd be happy with a boy or a girl so why rush finding out? Yesterday as I left the hospital I even bought a couple of toys for them. I placed them in the bassinet until they arrive. I'm relaxed but relieved. It's a very strange feeling.