May 31, 2006 21:09
So, I'm really for real finishing this thing... this QAF fic thing. I hope to have it ready by tomorrow, but I NEED YOUR HELP!
I need someone to beta for me. The bulk of it has already been betaed. The first 50 pages or so. Yes, it's a long-un... I need someone to help me edit the last 30 or so. What I need most in a beta is not spell-checking, but suggestions on things like sentence structure, word usage, clarity, etc.
PLEASE DON'T OFFER TO DO IT, IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU CAN HELP ME WITH THOSE THINGS. I appreciate the sentiment, but I need the story to be helped as much as possible. My regular beta, Darren and I have fallen out of touch, and I'm pretty sure she's not editing QAF stuff anymore, so I don't want to ask. She was the best though, so I have high standards.
Not to scare people away, LOL... I sound crazy... Anyway, if you think you can help, please let me know.