Apr 12, 2010 13:28
I've been quiet for a long time and for that I am sorry. I am inspired to write today about the importance of story.
Somedays, it's painful for me because i slipped away from writing, (as you can see on this blog) and allowed myself to be consumed with job/home/church/relationships. And really, whenever I reread old writings, in a way it hurts because I remember the carefree days - I remember weaving the words together and all the care it takes to make them work. It's an outlet I needed and still need. And it's not like it isn't important to me, but some how a message got planted in me like a worm. It dug deep down into my creative soil and gnawed that root of my talent. The worm said "Writing is a waste of time; You are losing your skills; You'll never write something of value that will change the world for God; God doesn't value your creativity."
When I write that out, it exposes how RIDICULOUS those lies are to believe! God has chosen story as the MAIN vehicle to explain the kingdom. What are parables if not stories??!!?
I started a project a new months ago - a book for young women. I was so excited after I wrote the first six pages and then it drifted away. When I think about opening my laptop and starting up again, I feel nervous and I start to make lists of all the other things I need to do or I start cleaning. Something inside me says "You'll never finish. You'll never publish. This road is too hard for you; beyond your ability."
Really though, isn't the voice REALLY saying "Go back into hiding; you are more dangerous when you reflect God in writing. You could damage the carefully crafted lies in the minds of many...go back to sleep, Little Christian..."
And to that, I say, "God, WAKE ME UP!!! Help me to finish. And let it be for Your glory and not my own."
Without story in my life, I can't breathe. So it's time to breathe again and breathe deep and as the words flow out, reject the voices and listen to the Voice.
Amen and amen.