(no subject)

Jun 07, 2006 21:07

What Controls Your Mind?

Your mind is controlled by mystery.

You are a dreamer, a thinker, a philosopher. You often sit and ponder about endless things, from the meaning of life to what comes next. You are the mastermind behind the plan, and you like it that way. You feel no need for limelight, you're fine sitting in your own little corner, sharing nothing with anyone. Many people wonder what goes on in that brain of yours, how they could reach your heart, but you are a closed book. You don't let them know anything, they'll have to figure it out on their own time. Meanwhile, you'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Your ruling planet: Sirius, the Dog Star
Your last words: "Heh. Well, that's for me to know, and for you to never find out."
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