hey look, they let me out!

Dec 03, 2004 22:59

haha, we have simply been w/out internet for approx 2 months and who knew that in the last few years ppl have lost all concept of the original purpose of phonelines? oh yeah, we changed those too. well here's dan's new cell number: (804) 357-4641
I'll let ya know when i remember the house number...
Other random updates:
-dan promised to get me a dog for christmas
-saki is afraid to come upstairs b/c they installed a big scary ceiling fan 2 days ago. this wouldn't be such an issue if the litter box wasn't located upstairs. dumb cat.
-i haven't really done any christmas shopping. partly b/c i'm broke as usual, partly b/c it doesn't feel like winter down here.
-i'd just like again to emphasize the fact that i have yet to see a flurry. i'm loving this weather...
-dan started a new job at Gamestop and finds himself enjoying work for once. video games, video games and more video games, it's a 12 year olds dream come true. (don't tell dan he's 24 now, might send him into shock)
-it turns out that we get cable for free. who knew? i think they were just too scared to send someone out here to the ghetto to turn it off as they were supposed too... sometimes it pays to live in a shady neighborhood.
-we're moving in february to a nicer apt complex, bout 10 minutes from here. closer to richmond, further from ghetto.
-dan was caught on film for an episode of COPS last night. No, he wasn't the one in trouble. He caught the tail end of a car chase, pretty neat huh? :) We shall see if it airs... This just goes to show you i'm not kidding about the whole ghetto thing. Our neighbors sit on the front porch sipping from brown paper bottle-shaped bags listening to hiphop and watching the cars goes by. This is your tax dollars at work...
-i feel the need to warn everyone that due to previously mentioned job changes we are temporarily w/out insurance which translates to no medication. So if i post any really outrageous rants in the next fews months, usually concerning how much i hate everyone and everything especially YOU, please just ignore them.

on that note i'm going to go play catch up on neopets. my poor neglected little pookums!! it's a good thing they don't really die...
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