(no subject)

May 06, 2008 02:03

So I'm thinking it's time for another Livejournal update. "Already?", you ask? Yes, already. Why? Because it's 2 in the morning, and I wanted to exercise my fingers some before turning to playing some Chrono Trigger.

I had a somewhat exciting weekend with a lot of adventuring: which, unfortunately, cost a bit of money, but I think it was worth it in the end. Got to check out the richness of Oakville and see Jamie in his element haha which is kinda neat. I like seeing where people come from when I haven't before, because it always enlightens me to a little bit more of their personality that you can't quite get when you don't have that knowledge.

Then I got to visit my darling Amy, and also got to see some people I haven't seen in ages... being Caitlin, Jackie, and Sam! After a long night of hard drinking (and many, many molestations) with my high school (or elementary in Sam's case) gals, it was leaving the sketchiness of St. Catharines (which, up until now, I've always been spelling Catherines, but I saw the proper spelling on street signs when I visited) and back to the good old familiar sketchiness of Toronto, which makes it less sketchy.

Also I've been listening to a lot of 90s music lately in preparation for our 90s Dance Party that's happening next weekend, which has been pretty spectacular. Something a little less spectacular than that, however, is beating Crisis Core. It was a sad ending (as everyone playing that game should already know, so it's not like I'm really spoiling anything), and "made me sad all day". And now it's finished.  Bleargh.

In conclusion, these two somewhat evened each other out. Like 90s music is my answer to video game sadness.

Then, of course, I had the dilemma of deciding which game to play next. In lieu of FFXII, which people have assured me is not worth my time (although I still don't have an actual reason as to why that is...), I have chosen Chrono Trigger (as mentioned above).  This may or may not be linked to the 90s music, as it is most definitely something I played or watched other people play a lot in that decade. It was pretty sweet, and I love the music. On that note, I'm no longer writing this entry in favour of playing CT. I may or may not be back.





and I am back. Several hours later, it is now a suitable hour in the morning for waking, so I feel it's time to go to bed. On the bright side, I was productive and applied to at least four different places over the course of the night. woot! Go team!
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