
Dec 15, 2006 23:42

Alright, just got back from watching Eragon and decided book!Eragon and movie!Eragon are two completely seperate things and must be differentiated in their naming as such.

Alright, so book!Eragon I loved. It was clever at times, I loved the characters, and the timing was perfect.

*******SPOILERS ENSUE*****
Movie!Eragon, however, I have several complaints about....
-Arya wasn't unconscious for nearly long enough
-what the HELL was up with Murtagh and his whole "let's to go the Varden!" shit?.... If you've read the book, you're supposed to NOT want to go because you know they'll hate you there, and NOT volunteer to be like 'hey, you're going to the Varden, want me to show you the quickest way and come with you and not even complain about it when we're getting close and not try to run away from it even though Arya's practically dying?'
-the important explanation of WHY certain types of magic drains you so - it's the equivalent of physically doing it yourself! Kind of an important concept to understand
-how 'bout when Arya pwns Eragon when he's being cocky (like usual) Yah, wasn't there.
-two words: The Slide.
********END SPOILERS*******
One GOOD thing about the movie:
-I got to see my Lyns ;) (yes, *my* - are you going to question it???)

Aside from the movie, EXAMS ARE OVER!!! (yay!) Aaaand my roomie and I get to move tomorrow to a slightly bigger room on the fourth floor, so that'll be good!! Not to mention T-rev's par-tay, woot.

A'ight, I'm off to get some well-deserved sleep.
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