Jun 12, 2005 11:51
I guess up until today I failed to realize how fake some friendships are. Laugh if you want, I just kind of figured we would all be bestfriends forever. Now it is only me sitting here with hurt feelings. I guess it is still the once avoided hs drama.
Basically, CJ calls me with this bit about how Beth and Megan were talking about me behind my bag. I had told Beth something that CJ had told me. Them Beth said something to Meg. Somehow I am worried about her, and I heard they maybe having problems turned into talking behind someone's back. Next time I want be concerned.
Ofcoarse, Beth says,"I was not trying to make you look bad, and I was not talking about you." I do believe. Meg says, "I felt like you were talking about me behind my back." i SAY, 'How is being concerned going behimd someone's back?" Megan says,"sorry" I just continued on to say okay since we sat in silence you obviously don't care, so I am going to go. Megam says,"Its not that I just have other things more impt on my mind right now."
So next time Megan needs me when CJ and Beth aren't there, and Beth and Andrew have a fight and brake up... I think I am going to say I have more important things to do and think about. xActually, no I want cause I am a better person then that.
You know what really sucks it that neither of them are here for me right now.
Life is really like a box of chocolates. Sorry trying to find a little humor in this all. I thought that getting my heart broken hurt. Well just to put into perspective what I am actually feeling. This hurts a hundred times worse. This is why I hate being friends with girls.
I guess this will make it hard to understand why I am really hurt. I guess I am just tired of giving and getting nothing in return.
I hope this isnt classified as talking behing someone's back. Cause if I thought either of them really cared I would say it to their faces.
When Beth and Andrew broke up I cancelled other plans to be there a lot. I almost did not go to Indiana cause I felt so bad. When Meg and CJ broke up I included her in everything I was doing to be there. I even tried to get them back together.
so really just fuck you both for the way I feel right now!!!!!