Oct 09, 2006 23:18
I haven't posted in a long time. I only use LJ now to look at a few communities' postings. Now some elitist communities require that you have a regularly updated LJ and have been a member for x-amount of time and all that bullshit, so here I am, taking up space on the pages of the two or three 'friends' that I have. Sorry guys.
Quick update on my life: Yesterday I resolved to quit smoking. After taking a year off from school I realized that I only needed 24 credit hours to graduate and promptly enrolled in four classes this semester. Unfortunately one of the professors is a douche and I have him for two classes and will struggle to get a C, as he never awards A's and it's very difficult to get a B. I only want a C, I don't think I'm asking too much. If all goes well I will pass all my classes this semester then do the same thing next semester and graduate in May, along with everyone else. I don't know if I will walk or not, but I want that damned paper. I got pulled over today for going roughly 90mph on I-95, where the posted speed limit is 65. For some reason, the officer took pity on me and after much time in her vehicle decided that I should be let off with a warning, since I've been getting so many speeding tickets lately. Sensible, eh? Coincidently, on the way to school I decided that I should get a new parking decal but since I was running late, hence the speeding, I promised myself I would get it before class on Wednesday. Of course when I went out to my car after a long day in school there was a parking ticket for an expired decal. My argument is this: The fee for decals is included in tuition; online registration closes soon after the semester begins; they don't automatically send out decals; and the fucking decal says 2005-2006. Now, am I crazy or is it still the year 2006? They might get their $15 but not without a lot of sarcasm and rolling of my eyes. There's a lot more stuff that I could write about at this moment, but it feels like I'm talking to myself, which is something I only do in the privacy of my own bedroom or car, and since no one reads my journal it feels ... superfluous to continue this stream of consciousness. My IQ has dropped about 50 points in the last year. A combination of laziness and drugs has kept me from using the grey matter that worked the best and now it's gone and lost forever.