Random Entry: Stuff

May 01, 2008 18:03

When not to abbreviate a task:
Would you like me to take meds today?

Gleaned from the Internet: Quote

As you know, every diplomatic action requires an envoy. Even a simple declaration of war, which requires no diplomatic skill whatsoever. After all, it's not like a declaration of war can fail. It's just a formality, really. You show up, you say, 'Hey, we declare war', and then the armies arrive to kill people and break things.

Europa Universalis: Rome: I'm sorry, Marcus
TomChick - News - 03/29/08 - Link

reported by MJ
ed. note - Cross reference Comm. Vimes opinion of envoys in “Jingo” by Terry Pratchett

Beta Testing:

CLR: Bath and Kitchen

This is the only product that cleans off the crappy McHenry hard water stains in my shower. And cleans the rust around the fixtures.
Yep. Calcium, lime, and rust. Gone.
Use it. Love it. You will be happy, like me.
>needs life<
>or a maid<

Chuck! (not my creations)

The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed.

Chuck Norris can hit you so hard that he can actually alter your DNA. Decades from now your descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell "What The Hell was That?"

Darn it! Here shoots irreducible complexity!


Recent Favorite Word of the Day:

chthonic   \THAH-nik\   adjective
of or relating to the underworld : infernal

Example sentence:
Laleh compared entering her brother's basement bedroom to a descent into chthonic regions: it was dark and odd-smelling, and she was a little frightened of what she might find there.

Did you know?
"Chthonic" might seem a lofty and learned word, but it's actually pretty down-to-earth in its origin and meaning. It comes from "chthon, "which means "earth" in Greek, and it is associated with things that dwell in or under the earth. It is most commonly used in discussions of mythology, particularly underworld mythology. Hades and Persephone, who reign over the underworld in Greek mythology, might be called "chthonic deities," for example. "Chthonic" has broader applications, too. It can be used to describe something that resembles a mythological underworld (e.g.,"chthonic darkness"), and it is sometimes used to describe earthly or natural things (as opposed to those that are elevated or celestial).

(ed. note: But they didn’t mention Lovecraft!)

Random Thoughts:

1. Sharon (VP of Operations) just came over to my cube.

“How are ya doing? Are you doing okay?” - Sharon
“Yep, doing good!” - me
“That’s great. That’s great. You are going to be my new friend.” - Sharon

But in a good way. I’m glad I like her, because it makes her stray shrapnel easier to take.


Yes. Especially when personnel issues or training or whatever don’t get done or dealt with for a year. Really.

2. I believe that if you become a makeup artist or props master or something like that, and work freelance in Britain, on plays, TV, movies, and whatever, in a couple of years you will have meet every actor working in Britain.

My buddy JH just told me that she saw a DVD box set with Hugh Laurie (Fortysomething, I knew that off hand.) and an actress that now plays on M-I 5/Spooks. Yep. And there was a guy in the special “Hogfather” (movie of the book by the same name by Terry Pratchett) that also was in a little role in a Doctor Who episode. (Is that the Oh God of Hangovers! Yeah!)

By the way, don’t you love cross fandoms!?! (Except I haven’t seen M-I 5/Spooks yet.. yeah, yeah, I know, there is a couple eps with Mr. Laurie!)

3. Don’t tick off the admins at the end of the month when we enter our computer work hours. We may decide that your program needs to be charged more hours because of the annoyance factor.

Interesting names of stuff:

Bristlestar Drive

Board of Chosen Freeholders

So, how did you first read them?

Is Perceptions LIMITED a good name for a mediation center?

Is Chillington Lane near Elm Street?

Sensitivity Training?

Eve is going to die horribly (die again, anyway) when I get to heaven. - VC, via email, re: cramps

I am sorry about that. Good luck killing someone with eternal life. Let me know how that goes. - RN, husband, via email, re: funny, but not comforting

gleanings from the web, not as we know it, salt mine, context what context

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