"The Centurion and The Doctor" (1/1)

Jul 23, 2011 20:48

Title: The Centurion and The Doctor
Rating: PG
Genre: AU, Science Fiction, Crossover with Doctor Who
Pairing: Kurt/Dave
Summary: After being brought back from inexistence, as well as shooting his husband-to-be with a gun imbedded in his hand, David Karofsky sits in the midst of a vanishing world, alone with his thoughts and Kurt's body...until a certain curly haired Time Lord shows up.
Inspired by repeated watchings of this fantastic show and the realization that Dave is a perfect Rory when he wants to be.

From Season Five, Episode Thirteen: The Big Bang.

Doctor!Blaine, Amy!Kurt and Rory!Dave.

“I killed him.” The words were heavy on Dave’s tongue, like the truth of them had manifested into actual weight. The Doctor knelt by Kurt’s body, his eyes ever moving, looking, puzzling. Dave couldn’t imagine what was going on inside his head. He has lifted the blanket Dave has placed over Kurt’s body and he looked…indifferent. Like seeing the dead body of his companion meant nothing to him.

“Oh, David!” he sighed. He sounded like a parent scolding a child for a wrong they had seen done a hundred times. Why wasn’t he reacting? Why was he just sitting there? Dave swallowed the other questions down and brought up the one that begged to be asked first.

“Doctor, what am I?” Dave asked. His voice was tight, tense with fear. He knew that he couldn’t be human. How could he be human and be able to kill the love of his life with a laser imbedded in his hand? And yet, Dave had never been more sure that he was human. Robots, plastic things couldn’t feel anything. They couldn’t feel pain or remorse or love or the blinding sense of heartbreak from hurting someone they loved. That pain was the most human thing Dave had ever felt, but he had to be sure. He had to hear it from the Doctor.

“You’re a Nestene Duplicate. A lump of plastic with delusions of humanity,” the Doctor said, pulling out his sonic screwdriver and scanning various parts of Kurt’s body. Dave’s eyebrows furrowed together. Well, that couldn’t be possible. What he was feeling was no delusion. And he had been reborn, hadn’t he? No matter what he was made out of of, he was still Dave, wasn’t he?

“But I’m Dave now. Whatever happened, it’s stopped. I’m Dave,” he said, an almost hysterical laugh in his voice. The Doctor paid no attention and checked the screwdriver for whatever it was he scanning for. How can he be so calm at a time like this? Dave growled. How can he just sit there!

“That’s software talking,” the Doctor sighed. He didn’t even look up. Well, it wasn’t like you meant much to him in the first place. It was all about Kurt. It was always all about Kurt, Dave sighed. He swallowed again and tried a new tactic to get the Doctor’s attention.

“Can you help him?” he asked. It was hard, forcing himself to look at his boyfriend’s lifeless body. The blush had already gone from his cheeks and the shrill night hair had made his skin go cold. All because of him, because Dave couldn’t hold on to his humanity long enough. “Is there anything you can do?” he asked. His desperation showed in his voice. The Doctor sat up on his heels and stood, packing up his screwdriver and tucking it into his jacket.

“Yeah, probably, if I had the time.”

The words hit Dave like a punch to the gut.

“The time?” he asked, flabbergasted. You’re a goddamn Time Lord, YOU HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD! he wanted to shout at him.

“All of creation has just been wiped from the sky. Do you know how many lives now never happened?” The Doctor took a step over Kurt’s body as if he meant to walk away. Dave could tell he was trying to be patronizing and clever and it was infuriating. Dave didn’t care if the Doctor was over nine hundred years old. Dave didn’t care that the entirety of creation was gone. Dave didn’t care about any life that had been lost but that of Kurt’s, and how dare the Doctor try to patronize him for that. He followed his steps, his eyes boring holes into the back of that damn curly haired head.

“All the people who never lived!” The Doctor stopped and turned his face to the sky. Thought Dave couldn’t see it, he had the smallest smirk starting in the right corner of his mouth, like he knew exactly what he was doing. Dave stopped behind him, his body quivering with rage. “Your boyfriend isn’t more important than the whole universe,” the Doctor slurred.

Something, something deep and passionate and primal and completely human, snapped in Dave. His vision blurred red and every muscle in his body tightened, every thought erased from his mind but one: to punch that smug look off the Time Lord’s face. To connect his muscles with his jaw and knock the arrogance right out of him. Without even thinking about it, Dave grabbed the Doctor’s shoulder and spun him around. The smaller man’s eyes went wide and Dave’s right fist flew and made contact with his jaw. A sickening crack sounded between them and the Doctor fell into a heap, cradling his head.

“HE IS TO ME!” Dave roared over him. Without a second’s hesitation and to Dave’s great surprise, the Doctor jumped up almost immediately, the widest grin on his face.

“Ha ha!” he laughed. “Welcome back David Karofsky!” The Doctor let out a little whoop or triumph before cradling his jaw, adjusting it with a few cracks. “Sorry, had to be sure! Hell of a gun arm you’re packing there,” he said, glancing at Dave’s right arm, his fist still balled up. He must have seen the confusion on his face, because the Doctor got back to business. “Right, we need to get him downstairs!” he said.

It had been a test. Just a test. A test to see if he had been really Dave, back again. And apparently, he had passed. Dave snapped out of his confusion and turned to see the Doctor walking back towards Kurt, gripping onto his legs. He sighed when he saw Dave, as if the wheels in his head were turning far too quickly and the rest of the world hadn’t had the chance to catch up.

“And take that look off your plastic face! You’re getting married in the morning!” he cried as Dave cradled Kurt’s torso against his chest. He had no idea what they were doing, why they were doing it, or if it would even work, but Kurt had told him once that he trusted the Doctor with his life. He remembered Professor St. James’s undying loyalty, his absolute faith in a man that had barely even known him. I can’t fix any of this by myself, Dave sighed. Maybe…maybe with the Doctor, I can.

doctor who, dave karofsky, crossover, blaine anderson, glee fic, kurt hummel, glee, rating: pg, fanfiction, klainofsky, au

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