One More Try (1/1)

Jun 04, 2011 15:41

For the first morning in far too long, David Karofsky didn’t wake up regretting the day before it had even started. It was bright and sunny. There were only a few days of school left before summer and a cushy job at the outdoor YMCA. He even didn’t mind that his mom had mixed up her iPod with his and had loaded the new Lady Gaga album onto it. It wasn’t even that bad.

So, when he walked into the Lima Bean to get a morning cup of coffee and a muffin, he didn’t expect his mood to be ruined.

Dave had gotten used to seeing Kurt and the boyfriend around. They were getting more attached at the hip every day. Apparently Gay Hogwarts, or whatever it was called, let out earlier than public school, because Blaine didn’t have his uniform on. Kurt spotted him and nodded in acknowledgement. Dave didn’t catch the majority of their conversation. He was too busy trying to distract himself, as always, from Kurt. He looked cute with his white jacket and perfectly done hair.

Dave didn’t know when he had started letting himself have thoughts like that. It was becoming less and less of a big deal. A good sign, he thought. Maybe summer would help…maybe being with Kurt, as friends, would help. Dave entertained the thought as he waited in line, and had just gotten to the part when Kurt would insist on taking him shopping, probably saying something along the lines of ‘No self respecting gay man would allow himself to wear that polyester blend atrocity on a nearly daily basis’, when he heard it.

“I love you.”

Dave felt his back stiffen at the sound of the boyfriend’s voice. It was disgusting, how sincere he sounded. Hell, as far as Dave knew, he was being sincere. Who couldn’t love Kurt, after all? A bitter smile crossed Dave’s lips at the thought. Who couldn’t love Kurt?

Dave tried his best to not show a reaction, but he couldn’t help but look back over his shoulder at Kurt’s table. To his great surprise, the boy’s eyes flickered to him for just a second before going back to his boyfriend.

“I…I love you, too,” he said at last, taking a deep breath. He smiled, but there was something…off. Like he was unsure. Blaine didn’t seem to notice, but the simple gesture sent off red flags in Dave’s head.

He’s lying. Well…maybe not lying. But he doesn’t mean. Not like Blaine does.

Dave wanted to be ashamed for turning around and smiling at the thought. Blaine had been just trying to help all along. He wasn’t that bad of a guy, just a little awkward and kind of stupid when he was trying to impress Kurt. Dave could understand that. Still, if Kurt was just saying that…

No. That was a line Dave wasn’t ready to cross…yet.

Still, as he walked out the door to school, coffee in one hand, he couldn’t help but think:

Maybe I still have a shot.

glee, dave karofsky, kurtofsky, glee fic, kurt hummel

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