The good news is I have found a darling little one bedroom apartment, emphasis on little but also on the darling. Bad news is, I can't move in til around the 19th.
The good news is, I'm making progress with the huge list of to dos. The bad news is, I feel like I've been run over by a dragon, several times. So freaking tired.
Just fyi, this move was not planned to take place now, but some things happened with my family and it was either now or like...who knows when and i need to be closer to family since I am partially disabled.
My internet is somewhat iffy here right now between the number of people trying to use it, the lack of a router, and the crazy train cable internet service here where I'm staying. (I plan to get good cable service kthanx)
I've made a few comments here and there but mostly I have been quiet, I assure you I'm still reading but between exhausted, stressed and tiiiired, I'm being less commenty than usual.
Another update soon. Many many apologies to my
hd_500 recipient, I swear the fic is almost ready, I'm just having issues trying to finish it up and get it posted, blah, I fail.