Well... I feel like I should start out this 2008 post with a kind of apology.
I have not only neglected to post here for the past couple of months, I've mostly avoided LJ all together, brewing in my own head and my own problems, not following up on my friends. And since I've not visited the Munch in that time either, I really fell out of touch with most people. I'm sorry everyone and I hope to be around more now.
I'm so.. so.. so.. glad that the year 2007 is over. On one hand, I have some things to remember that year by, and on the other, I wish to forget that year and never think about it.... but... I will unfortunately remember it for the rest of m life. It's been a very complex for me.
I will remember 2007 for...
.... My first finished real movie...
.... College Graduation
.... 10 months of taking care of mom (not including a year before that)
.... Coming to some unfortunate realizations about my family
.... Moving with my love -
.... The biggest most painful loss of my life - my mom - and all the personal guilt that comes with it, and I don't think will ever go away.
Now it's 2008 and I'm hoping for new beginnings.
Even though I've been living in Chicago with D for 3 months now, I'm looking at this January as our new start. As I try to heal myself emotionally - it's been slowly getting better in the last week - and physically we will be getting out lives on the roll.
Things I'm hoping for this new year ....
..... a new job, finally ! I suppose people will start hiring more in the beginning of a new financial year.
..... I hope to be able to return to my old self and be able to feel and enjoy life again. Ohh... and stop trying to be a hermit.
..... push myself to work on creative projects - screenplay / editing - something
..... getting my health issues taken care of - again, connected to job and insurance .
I guess I'm one of those hope-fools that just look to the future with expectation of some kind. There is a saying in Russian that I grew up with "надежда умирает последней " which translates to - Last thing that dies, is hope. I find that saying to be very helpful in life. (well, in most, but not all instances)
I do want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and I hope (there is that damn hope again) that 2008 will bring positive energy, luck, love and happiness to those who want and need it.