Who: Sigurd and Maxine
What: Accusations
When: in the evening
Where: Maxine's Lab
Why: Geddoe is paranoid
It was rather annoyingly dark down in this cavern...Not that he hadn't explored similar places in his time, but it was still annoying. And given his task, the darkness would not help him. Part of good interrogation was being able to read the subject's face. And in this kind of light, it was rather difficult. Though he eventually found his subject in one of the only lighted portions of the cavern..."Maxine?" he said, introducing his presence.
Maxine looked up and frowning at her visitor over the brim of her reading glasses. "Sigurd, I believe Hervey is finally starting to ware off on you. You forgot to knock." She nodded to the couch across from her, "is there anything I can help you with? It is good to see you back, by the way. I apologize that our meeting in Zexey was cut short."
"I apologize, Maxine. I did not think," he said, sitting down in such a manner that he could raise himself up quickly should the need arise. He paused for a long moment and cleared his throat. "About that...when you told me about the situation up here, you didn't quite mention your role in it all. I was actually wondering what exactly it is that you are doing," Sigurd said, putting on a warm smile.
"At the time there wasn't much to talk about," she said removing her glasses and setting them on the table side beside her and moved from a causal setting position to a more business like one. "At the time I was just looking for clues about Thomas. Now, I'm in charge of making sure the Beast Rune no longer poses a threat, as I am the most powerful mage here at Budehuc."
"Understandable, but one has to wonder...given your past history...I mean, you said it yourself when you joined me in war ages ago. You don't really have loyalties with anyone," Sigurd said calmly, coming off more as a concerned friend than a man whom was here on official business.
Maxine raised an eyebrow. "Things have changed since, Sigurd. This place," she did a sweeping motion with her right hand, indicating Budehuc, rather than her lab, "I have to admit, has grown on me." She take a glass of iced tea from her table next to her chair and takes a sip, "I teach here. I teach a class, not just magic, but basic reading, writing and math. This place has changed me." Her words are true, she has grown to love this place; ever since Simeon found away to open her up she had found herself developing more and more attachments. "How can I not be loyal to this place?"
"You will have to forgive my skepticism...and really, you have nothing to lose in this conflict no matter who is the victor. So my point still stands. What do you think, though? About the two opposing sides?" he asked, his smile still genuine on the outside.
"I think, that Luca is a mad man who needs to be stopped," Maxine said evenly, "And Geddoe, well, I personally don't care for him, but he is an able leader, and talented swordsman." She smiled at him, "And if you forgive my bluntness, yes, I do have things to lose in this conflict. Blight has already ordered me to search for a Conqueror Rune its Black Rune children, if he were to win he would use his beast rune to force me to use my magics for his bidding, and I promised Simeon that I would never, ever work for an evil man again." She had gotten a little to passionate there, but it didn't matter, it was all truth.
Sigurd sighed...there was conviction there. He was beginning to think his concerns were misplaces and that Geddoe was pointlessly suspicious. Maxine really had changed by the sound of it... "Maxine, I'm going to come clean with you. Yuber is fully armed again, and the primary suspect is you," he said sternly, his tone suddenly gravely serious.
"Oh really now?" This was no surprise, but she had her features melt into a puzzled expression. "Well, I suppose that does make a certain amount of sense." She sighed, "But, why? Anyone who has been here as long as I have knows I have no reason to wish that demon, that thing of chaos, loose." At least loose around Budehuc, Budehuc was her home. She would much rather the demon be out somewhere else. "Who has made the accusation? And why would they think such a thing?" She knew who, but it would not be in her best interests to let that be known.
"I cannot say. All I ask is that...Maxine, you are difficult to trust for some of us. I will be with you in battle, and I hope that any fears we might have will pass then," Sigurd said, growing ever more ill-at-ease with his task. "And...you know that should I find you to be playing me along, my knives will not be aimed at our enemy alone," he said...a slight lack of conviction in his statement.
Maxine smiled, "As my spells will be if I find there is a traitor." She picked the tome she was reading and placed her glasses back on, "If you excuse me, I need to really make sure I understand this entire spell. One mess up and I could very well damn us all."
"Yes...well...thank you for being understanding, Maxine. Orders are orders, after all," Sigurd said with a nervous cough. Why is it that people like Maxine always made him lose his composure? It was rather annoying. Perhaps it was her near brutal honesty...something he himself at times used, but it was different coming from her.
"Of course," she said. "I understand given my past, but remember Sigurd, just as one can fall, one can rise as well." And with that she made with the pretense of reading the tome. In reality she was going over the conversation. She had not said one lie, which was good, she hated to lie, and always using the truth to hide the truth was the best way. Truly, on the surface she had no reason to steal the sword from Geddoe, but she did what was needed, for her mission, for Budehuc. Boxes within boxes as they say.
It was a good thing, she mused, that she didn't desire fame or glory, for sometimes the best way to achieve what was needed was not always the ideal way, and someone had to get their hands dirty.
Sigurd raised himself from the couch and made a bow, though he assumed it went unnoticed. Maxine obviously had a lot on her mind...but he had to ask one last thing before he left. He had to be certain. Her intentions were her own, and he would trust those, but... "So...did you?"
"Did I what? Aide Yuber as I hear the Captain is saying? If you call interrogating aiding these days, then yes, I did aid him." She looked back at up him. "I do what is needed Sigurd, you know that."
"I meant take the blade," Sigurd said sternly, not liking the double talk he was just given.
Maxine sighed, "No," she said, "I did not steal the blade. Forgive me for my outburst, I'm weary and have had little rest since rescuing the girl."
"Good...," he said, letting out a breath. "I will see you on the battlefield, Maxine," he added, making his way out of the laboratory. He was certain he wouldn't have to go against Maxine, but he still felt like he was missing something...
Maxine watched him go, and then returned to her tome, once again reading the beginning of the spell, and focused on that.