Jun 07, 2006 22:02
I am not real thrilled right now. Actually I am downright depressed. I have been working and working and cleaning things out for a week straight now..and I mean all day long until I want to drop cleaning. I have my craft stuff down to about 50% of what I had. I am only keeping the essentials and nothing more. I put the crib back togeter and the changing table to see how much room I had in here becasue I had planned on keeping me desk and craft supplies in here..and there is no way. It's just not going to happen..this room is too small. The table blocks the door..and there isn't any other way to arrange it at all. So I have no idea of what I am going to do. We really have no room in this house..and apart from getting rid of just about everything I own to make it happen..I don't know. SO pretty much I am losing my place of business..I don't know where I can even store stuff or where I will be able to make stuff anymore.
On top of that it takes me 3 hours to get dressed every day now. I don't even like to try to find something that fits. It's impossible. My Corpse Bride hoodie that fit last week..I can't get anywhere near zipping it this week. I have one skirt that fit..and all of my shirts are just about too small now. Someday I am going to wake up and nothing will fit me anymore.
I listed some junk on eBay. Ebay has been really slow. Everything is listed at 99 cents. I also have a small closet of dresses that will be listed soon since I have to clear everything out of that closet as well.
I am so stressed out right now that everything I am doing seems like a complete waste. I am at a total loss.