Jan 17, 2012 07:44
1. Made it to and from work safely!
2. I can feel myself settling into and getting confidence in my new 7 hour stretch of Deli Mondays and Thursdays as The Soup Lady/Salads/2nd Customer Service! At first it was REALLY HARD multi-tasking THAT MUCH but I'm starting to feel a rhythm to it so I'm not so stressed! AND the issue of No Breaks has been addressed so, we get to take them now, YAY!
3. A Raw Cinnamon Bar! Healthy Energy most of the day!
4. Carol's Midwest Chocolate Chili helped take the chill off the day! (I definitely need this recipe, it's SO DELICIOUS)!!!
5. Discovering what an excellent Sleep Aid ONE glass of red wine is before bed! I sleep like a baby now, no Night Terrors or waking up! LOVE IT! A study in Toronto found that having one alcoholic drink relaxed the blood vessels, but two drinks began to reverse the benefits!
5 grateful things,